Alūksnes Bērnu un jauniešu centrs

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Brīvprātīgais jaunietis no Gruzijas Latvijā jau vairāk kā mēnesi!

Hello, I’m Niko, ESC volunteer from Georgia.

I flew out from Georgia on 9th September. I’m here more than one month now. First impression are very good. Aluksne is very small and cute town.  I am meeting many beautiful and good people here like Director, Coordinators, Mentors and Also Children/Youngsters. Working with them is a pleasure to me and I enjoy time spent together very much.

When I arrived to Aluksne, I walked a lot on my second day here. I visited all places in just one day. First place was Aluksne Lake. It is a very wonderful town, especially in autumn, lake has become my favorite place in Aluksne. I also went to Sigulda for 5 days, where we had arrival training with another volunteers organized by Latvian National Agency. Sigulda is also very wonderful city . I want to visit other cities in following months as well, but my first aim is Riga.

In my everyday life I work 5 days in a week in Youth center. I’m making activities with children and youngsters, I will have my English club there. Also preparing to make Georgian language club. I’m contributing in Chess club, where I help children to learn Chess and I also help in animation club and experiments club. In my free time activities with children and youngsters I play board games with youngsters, sculpt with clay and make kahoot events and a lot other creative activities. Also a big part of my work is helping my colleagues in other youth center activities.

I like living here very much. I wish that next 8 months would be as interesting as the first was. This period will help me to get a better life experience and express myself in other creative ways and hopefully I will find new passions.

Informācijai: Niko atrodas Latvijā Eiropas Solidaritātes korpusa Eiropas brīvprātīgā darba projektā “Atklāj sevi Alūksnē” ietvaros. Programmu Latvijā administrē Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu aģentūra. Ikvienam jaunietim no 18 līdz 30 gadu vecumam ir iespēja izmantot šādu iespēju. Vairāk informācijas: https://jaunatne.gov.lv/

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